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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Old Blog + Job Application

Hey guys, I've been super busy again, so I promise to post a little more often for a while.  Sorry.

Just in case any of you were curious, I do in fact have an existing blog of another domain.  If you would like to see exactly why I'm deciding whether or not to delete it, click here.

I told you it was stupid.  Moving on.

My next topic is about something awesome I discovered while playing around in Habbo Hotel, a 3D social hangout basically.  I learned about this site called "DiscussHabbo", which is a pretty big fansite for the actual thing.  I was looking around on the site, and I noticed that they were hiring people, for free, to help with the site.  You can guess what I did next. 

Well, now I'm going to wait and see what they say about my Graphic Designer application.  I have a good feeling though, because my info was professional, neat, and of course ... informative.  

Still, wish me luck guys.  I know I could use it anyways.

Thanks so much,

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