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Friday, December 14, 2012

Delays, Delays

Hey guys, sorry I'm waaaay late on the new post. I'm just not being very faithful now, am I?

Anyways, a bit of news. First, I have a new girlfriend and I wanted you guys to know cause she is the most gorgeous person ever. So yeah, yesterday was our "week-iversary" and it's going well. I love her quite a lot.

Okay moving on:
School is good, as some of you might know (if you know me personally) I'm in high school, and it's ... Well I still don't know what to think of it. It's different.

Finally, I got a new dog last month and he is absolutely adorable (almost as much as my girlfriend ;D) and he's also a complete dumbass. Dumb as a rock. But cute :)

Okay I'm gonna say goodbye now,
Adios amigos.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I'm Baaack!

Hey guys. I'm doing well, and of course I remembered to post sometime around the first. I've also got some quick news.

I uploaded my first vlog to YouTube yesterday, you should go to my channel @BlingblingD and check that out :) also, possibly subscribe for more!

If you see a post entitled "Recap" right before this one, it's just because I accidentally republished it. No double posts today :3

Thanks again, everybody. I hope any of you who read my blog will share it with others :)

Monday, October 8, 2012


Okay screw it. I'm just gonna post on my blog whenever I feel like it, okay? I'll try to follow a monthly schedule, but don't guarantee I'll be posting exactly every month.

So this post, as you may have seen in the title, is mainly to inform you guys about my YouTube channel. I do in fact have one, but I RARELY use it, and I overall think it's kinda lonely. So if you guys could maybe take a look, and when I get a few more views, I'll start using it for real.

I'll probably be just talking about my feelings (boo hoo....) and maybe playing some guitar to give some tips and tricks I have about my playing style. So yeah, please just view my channel; even if you hate the crap out of it, I'll still like you xD

Thanks so much, all of you.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Hey guys! I decided to post a few days earlier than I said I would. I think the plan for when I post will be as follows:

I will find a time to post during the first weekend of every month, and post on special occasions such as birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc. I don't want to be one of those madly-obsessed bloggers, you know?

Oh, tomorrow is my great friend Ashley Thomas's birthday. Visit her Facebook and spam her with Birthday wishes please! She could use some cheer; I decided not to go to homecoming, so she is not super happy right now. Thanks.

Once again, as always, thank you guys so much for wasting your free time reading my blog. It is appreciated.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hey Guys!

Hey everybody, a lot has changed lately. First, I'm changing the schedule for posts like I said I might. Second, I'm posting from an iPhone like a bau5. And finally, it's my birthday tomorrow!!

Okay, so the new schedule is gonna be one post every month. Yes, I know, "But Daniel, that's waaaay longer than your last schedule". Well deal with it. I'm super duper busy now that I have started high school, so I can't just sit at my desk or my phone and just type a whole post, Kay?

Yes, I'm using an iPhone, big whoop. These things are a little overrated though. But this one is my dad's old 3GS, because my old crappy one decided to kill itself. So yeah. I'm getting a 4 soon though, so I'm not too mad xD

My birthday is in fact tomorrow! October 1st, because I'm just that lucky. So yeah, hmu on my Facebook, twitter, whatever. The love is appreciated. Heck, be a creeper and send me a present. It's all good.

So yeah, I hope you all have a good evening, I'll post again next week and then it'll be every month.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Hey guys, nothing to post about today.  It's just a status update to let you all know I'm still alive, as I've been horribly busy lately.  In the next few days, I'll tell you guys about a few apps I recommend downloading so keep your eyes peeled and your browser tabs ready.

The apps I'll mention:

Let's Create! Pottery
Highway Rider
Gun Disassembly 2/Body Disassembly (not what you're thinking...)
Possibly a few others

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Old Blog + Job Application

Hey guys, I've been super busy again, so I promise to post a little more often for a while.  Sorry.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Hey guys!  This is going to be a real quick update, but it's pretty important.  
Next Saturday (7/21/12) is my girlfriend's birthday, and I want you to wish her a happy birthday on her Facebook page.  Click the link here to do so.

Man do I love her, so please do this next week if you've got the time.  It would mean the world to me.

Thanks guys,

Friday, July 13, 2012


First of all, sorry for not posting in a while guys.  I was very busy this past few days and didn't get around to posting, let alone the fact that I'm finding new things to post about anyways.

Thanks for the understanding.

Okay, today, Minecraft is the topic at hand.  As you may have recognized my profile image, I happen to be a big fan of Minecraft ever since the middle of June when I bought the full version of the game.  Basically, Minecraft is a really neat sandbox-style building game, for those of you who haven't heard of it before.  It's extremely fun, cheap, and there are hundreds of user-created mods or add-ons that can be installed into the game easily.  It's a never-ending world of creating, designing, and surviving.  I personally enjoy it quite a lot, and I think many of you will too.

Please at least look at it.
Thanks so much,

Monday, July 9, 2012


Hey guys!  Today's post is about a fictional language from the Star Wars universe.
The language, dialect Aurebesh, is a direct english letter-->aurebesh character translation, but the pronunciation is quite different, consisting of series' of -esh, -esk, and -enth related suffixes.  I am a Star Wars buff, so I'm trying to learn the language down pat.  That's why I posted this short explanation today.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lucid Dreaming

As I stated in my last post, this one is both
a. the second post of tonight and
b. about the concept of lucid dreaming.

Okay, what is lucid dreaming?
Lucid dreaming, simply put, is the state of consciously dreaming while still in a REM sleep.  Not daydreaming.  It's even cooler than that.

When one enters the state of lucidity, they are fully aware that they are sleeping and dreaming, but they don't wake up immediately.  Instead, the dream goes from a mental storyline to a sandbox of knowledge.  Once lucid dreaming has been engaged, the person can apply any knowledge they currently know and do virtually anything they want to do to the extent of the brain's capacity.

I find this subject extremely fascinating, and so has my good friend Renee.  She has done a fantastic work on the subject, enveloping experiences of her own amongst the true facts (redundancy alert) and creating this enjoyable story about lucid dreaming.  (Click here for her story on Wattpad)

Please check out her story and as always, thanks.

Schedule Change

Hey guys, Danny again.  I'm posting again to inform you that I've decided to change my blogging schedule a little, as I had warned you guys that I would be doing this often.

I have decided that blogging is actually a good way to get things off my mind, and I have a lot on my mind, so I'll be posting as much as twice a day and as little as twice a week.  Sound alright to you guys?

This is going to be one of two posts today; the other covering the topic of lucid dreaming.  Please read it!  


Saturday, July 7, 2012


Hey guys, it's Daniel again (well who'd you expect?).  I'm sitting on my bed, tired as a motherf*cker, so this post shouldn't be too long.  I have another site to tell you all about.

This one is called "Wattpad", and it's a site entirely devoted for the sole purpose of writing and sharing stories.  I was introduced to it almost a year ago, and now I write and update on it on a fairly regular basis.  I'll set up the link to my profile on another page.  Please check out my stuff, I really would love some reads.

Thank you guys,

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Herro everybody.  I'd like to introduce you to an android app I like to call PocketBand.  Basically, this is the android equivalent to apple's "garageband", but in my opinion, PB is better.  Well for music at least.

I like to create multiple projects at once, and I occassionally collaborate with a fellow PBer by the name of DJ Jon T.  He and I make some pretty neat stuff, and I'll link you guys to his page right here (Click here for his profile) because he really does deserve more attention.

Anyways, I'll try and keep you guys (whatever few followers I have...) posted, (haha pun intended) on our work,  and in the meantime, I'll make sure to post a few times during the week as promised.  I'll probably wind up deleting my other blog now since I never use it xD

As always, thanks guys.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

First Post!

Hello.  My name is Daniel, and welcome to my second blog.  Lol.  Basically the purpose of this blog is for me to rant about the things I like, the things I don't like, and everything in between.  The good, the bad, and the ugly, as one might put it.  So shall we?

My schedule for blog posts will be very loose at first, but as I become a more serious blogger, I may adapt a fairly clockwork-like schedule.  My plan right now is to write a post every weekend during school, and at least twice a week during the summer (like now, if you're in the states).

That's about it for now.  See you later this week, I guess!
