Hey guys. So, first of all, yes. I recognize that I am several months late on posting. Don't say anything. I have a lot to cover in this post.
First of all I did in fact get my phone upgrade; a Windows Phone 8X. I enjoy it quite a lot, even with the few quirks it has here and there.
Also, for those Minecraft nuts out there, I have started my very own server and I would appreciate any donations, visits, votes, etc because the server could use the upgrades. Give it a try at 'ruraluniverse.servegame.com' and tell me how you think of it on the server website. I've worked hard on it!
And the last thing I wanted to discuss was something quite personal. Since I am very sure nearly nobody at my school reads my blog posts, I am going to disclose some private information. There is a girl at my school who I had feelings for once, and I won't tell her this, but I still quite like her and I think she's a remarkable person. I won't write her name, because I don't want to break our trust or breach her privacy, but I'll tell you guys that she is the most incredible girl I have ever met in my entire life, and unfortunately, I have promised her I'd never ask her to be more than friends. So my situation sucks just a little bit.
Anyways, thanks guys. Have a good one.